
Steve Myers – Head Chef

Steve Myers is our head chef and has been for … wait for it … a HUGE 32 years!!!

All those years ago Steve was placed at the castle on a placement scheme from Darlington College – the rest is history.


Steve loves the people he works with and thoroughly enjoys cooking fresh food whilst experimenting with new ingredients. Many of you will have hopefully had the pleasure of enjoying one of his delicious dishes. If not, why not get booked in as soon as we reopen? After this his forced break from the kitchen we are excited to see what awaits us on his new menu!


Two things that Steve admits to disliking is being late and prawn cocktails!


During his spare time Steve likes to keep fit and focused by participating in martial arts. He has even achieved the standard of being a black belt. Further to this he likes to explore deep underground in the north Pennine hills and scuba dive. Steve has abseiled from the castle a few times, the latest when he very kindly cleared out some of the castles gutters. Steve is always happy to help around the hotel, so as well as cooking delicious food, he also helps putting up the castles flags. He is a valued member of the team and is our longest serving member of staff.


He has set himself the goal to complete all the Wainwright Peaks – keep an eye out as we will keep you posted on his progress.