
Hotel Covid19 Update

The health and wellbeing of our staff and customers is our utmost priority which is why we have taken the decision to temporarily close the hotel.

We respectfully request that you do not need to contact us at this time about any bookings you may have unless directly requested to do so. Our team here at Walworth Castle are dealing with this situation as quickly and efficiently as they can, and will be in touch with you in due course.

It is a heartbreaking decision, but one we have made by choice to protect our staff and customers and to keep everyone safe at this unprecedented time. During this national crisis, we urge you to protect yourselves by social distancing and self-isolating should you show any symptoms. Working together is the only way in which we can beat this virus.

Behind the scenes, we are working hard to contact future bookings, and helping to transfer dates. We plan to make the best of our period of closure by using the time to make improvements and prepare for Walworth Castle to reopen. We will continue to follow government advice and we will keep you up to date with our progress in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your support at this extremely difficult time, and we look forward to welcoming you back to Walworth Castle Hotel in the not too distant future.

Rachel and Chris Swain and The Walworth Castle Team.