he day started with the Arrival of Waxworx who were our sponsors for this event, they arrived at 7.00 am with #TeamWaxworx a group of car enthusiasts from the North East with a wide range of cars. Waxworx supplied us with gifts for the winner of each category and a gift and voucher for the Best in Show. Around 9.00 am all show cars started to arrive at the castle and get into position, we had a group of marshals for the day who did an excellent job of getting everyone in to position.
At 11.00 am spectators flocked in their hundreds to see the cars that had come to the castle, we had provided people with their choice of food from carvery to hot pork sandwiches plus a great selection of hot and cold drinks. Midday peaked and it was glorious, the sun was shining, hits from the 60’s were playing and everything was in full flow.
All the team at Walworth Castle Hotel could not have asked for a better day for the car show to be on and the whole day went so quick. Finally, the time had come for people to start leaving, cars to start depart and everything started to unwind, as the cars left I reflected on the day and reminded my self we have the same again next year but filled with even more ideas. So, I guess I will see you all at Walworth Castle next year on the 7th of July 2019 to do it all again.
Andy Nicholson
Operations Manager